Home Secretary Amber Rudd said: There will be no inquiry into the notorious events of 1984 at the so-called “Battle of Orgreave.” However, Mrs Rudd said she did not believe there was “sufficient basis… to instigate either a statutory inquiry or an independent review.”
Background here: http://https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Orgreave
The Battle of Orgreave was a violent day of the year-long 1984-85 miner’s strike. Lines of police clashed with striking miners as they tried to stop trucks carrying coke to fuel steel furnaces.
The police said they had to react to protect themselves. The miners said they were peacefully protesting when the police charged.
Mrs Rudd acknowledged her decision would be a “significant disappointment” to the Orgreave Truth And Justice Campaign, but said a raft of “very significant changes” to policing since 1984 meant there would be “very few lessons to be learned.”
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