The cake was not enough to appease Stephanie Byron, who is still suing former Escambia County sheriff’s deputy Michael Wohlers.
On Monday, the county’s Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission announced it had reviewed the case and placed Wohlers on a one-year probationary period from serving at any law enforcement agency in Florida.
Wohlers’ attorney denied the allegations in a court document.
The incident happened in June 2015 when Wohlers stopped by an apartment complex where Byron was working.
According to court documents, Wohlers was in his full uniform and ‘used his apparent law enforcement authority to intimidate, harass, and threaten’ Byron about her personal life.
She said she was knocked to the floor and the court document says Wohlers ‘jumped onto Ms Byron, kneeing her in the chest.’
But Byron and her attorneys said on Wednesday there was no ‘play’ involved.
Some time after that, Wohlers baked Byron a cake. Byron’s attorney, Alistair McKenzie, entered a photo of the cake as an exhibit into the court file, The Pensacola News Journal reported.
Although the photo of the cake was included in the court documents, reports online say the same picture started circulating on social media a year before the tasering took place.
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