Steven Jones,20, is a former Northern Arizona University student who shot four young men during a melee that spilled onto campus in October 2015. Jones is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Colin Brough, 20, and aggravated assault wounding three other students, Nick Piring, Nicholas Prato and Kyle Zientek. Steven Jones claims that he shot in self-defense after the mob of fraternity brothers chased and assaulted him and his friends while they had just been standing in front of an apartment complex where a party was going on. Jones ran to his car in a parking lot across the street and on campus, retrieved a gun from the glove compartment and confronted the attackers. Jones claims they charged him and he fired, killing Brough and wounded the 3 other students. However, prosecutors say that Steven Jones was never in danger for his life, and that he returned to the fight with premeditation - and a gun. The prosecution claim Jones ran to his car, retrieved his gun and then went back to the fight. |