Tonya Couch Trial

Tonya Couch

To Be Confirmed

Tonya Couch faces felony charges of hindering apprehension and money laundering for traveling to Mexico with her son after an apparent violation of his parole after causing a deadly drunk driving crash in 2013.

Couch, the mother of “affluenza teen” Ethan Couch, is accused of withdrawing $30,000 from a bank account and fleeing with her son to Mexico after he skipped a probation appointment in 2015. She is charged with money laundering and hindering the apprehension of a felon and has been free on bond since January 2016.

Ethan Couch, 20, killed four people in a drunken-driving crash in southern Tarrant County in 2013. He received 10 years’ probation in the case and is serving time in jail as a condition of the probation.

 He first received national attention three years ago after a witness at his trial said he suffered from “affluenza,” meaning that he couldn’t tell right from wrong because of his affluent upbringing.

In December 2015 he and his mother went missing after he skipped a probation appointment. They were arrested a few weeks later in a Mexican resort town and taken back to Texas.

World Justice News are showing the Tonya Couch Trial free. For the link to view the Tonya Couch Trial please click here to see our daily schedule.

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