Todd Kohlhepp Hearing

Todd Kohlhepp

December 21, 2018

9:30 am



Todd Kohlhepp was convicted in 2017 of seven murders. He pled guilty to all charges.

Spouses of three people who Kohlhepp killed in a 2003 quadruple homicide at Superbike Motorsports in the Chesnee area are taking him to court to ask for damages in the wrongful deaths of their loved ones.

In the complaint, the plaintiffs ask for damages to cover present and future medical expenses and for punitive damages to be determined by a jury. The complaint also asks the court award the plaintiffs damages to cover legal fees, as well as any other damages ‘the court may deem proper.’

Melissa Brackman, widow of Scott Ponder; Terry Allen Guy, widower of Beverly E.R. Guy; and Robin Barnhill Olsen, widow of Brian T. Lucas, are named as plaintiffs in the suit.

World Justice News are showing the Todd Kohlhepp hearing free. For the link to view the Todd Kohlhepp hearing  please click here to see our daily schedule.

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