Amanda Knox’s Ex-Lover Sues Judges and Jury for $3.2 Million

Raffaele Sollecito
Sollecito, 33, and Knox were convicted in 2009 of stabbing Meredith Kercher to death in an apartment the two women shared in Perugia. The pair were acquitted by the Supreme Court in 2015.

The ex-boyfriend of Amanda Knox, Raffaele Sollecito, is suing the judges, prosecutors and jurors responsible for wrongfully convicting him for the 2007 murder of British student Meredith Kercher for 3 million Euros (about $3.2 million).

Sollecito, 33, and Knox were convicted in 2009 of stabbing Miss Kercher to death in an apartment the two women shared in Perugia. The pair were acquitted by the Supreme Court in 2015.

Now using a new law on the civil responsibility of magistrates, Sollecito is seeking damages from nine prosecutors and judges who were involved in the case who he has accused of “ruining his life”.

He also wants to sue the 12 jurors who ruled on the murder case in Perugia and, on appeal, in Florence. Jurors can be sued only if their conduct is deemed to be gravely unfair or malicious.

Media reported that a judge in Genoa was hearing arguments last night on whether the jurors should be included.

Sollecito has already tried unsuccessfully to win 500,000 Euros from the Italian state for wrongful imprisonment.

A Florence appeal court rejected the claim in February, concluding that Sollecito contributed to the judicial error by making contradictory and untrue statements in the early stages of the investigation.

Sollecito has said that he was left traumatised by his incarceration, that his life was kept on hold for seven years as a result of the trials, and that his family was burdened with a 400,000 Euro debt.

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