A female Mountie who alleges she was subjected to humiliating and demeaning hazings, bullying and sexual abuse at the hands of some of the male members of the national police force’s famed Musical Ride has reached a settlement with the RCMP, according to her lawyer. Staff Sgt. Caroline O’Farrell launched her multi-million dollar lawsuit four years ago, alleging harassment that included being the subject of a suicide pool and repeated “horse troughings” where she was dragged through manure and urine after being named one of the first female members of the iconic travelling equestrian show in 1986.
Internal investigations substantiated over 120 events of abuse and harassment, but the perpetrators received little in the way of any consequences and O’Farrell was simply removed from the Ride, according to her lawyer.
The settlement with O’Farrell comes six months after a historic apology by the RCMP to all their female members for decades of abuse and harassment along with a $100-million settlement to right the wrongs suffered by women within their ranks.
But the RCMP continued fighting O’Farrell’s claim, which was filed separately from the class action lawsuit and wasn’t subject to the $100 million settlement. When the RCMP and other defendants were unsuccessful in having the case dismissed summarily in the wake of the $100 million settlement, the parties began to have serious settlement discussions, said her Ottawa lawyer, Peter Cronyn.
The terms of O’Farrell’s settlement are confidential, and can’t be disclosed, said Cronyn.
“I am pleased we have been able to reach a settlement. But it makes no sense that we went through the time, expense and stress to get to where we are now, when the allegations were substantiated through a protracted internal investigation by the RCMP itself back in 1987-1988,” O’Farrell wrote in a statement released through Cronyn. “I am happy to see that women in the RCMP are finally being compensated for the many wrongs that have occurred over the years. It is time to heal these wounds and to make sure that our working environment is safe, fair and free of harassment, bullying and intimidation for all members of the Force.”
O’Farrell is still with the RCMP, and stationed in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario.
She has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and suffers from severe psychological distress, including flashbacks and nightmares, the result of what she alleges was the constant stream of abuse and harassment she suffered as member of the musical ride.
The alleged abuse included being repeatedly doused with cold water and then dragged face down by the arms and legs through stall shavings which included horse urine and manure. Others would then kick the wood chips, dirt, urine and feces onto O’Farrell’s head and body.
One of the hazings allegedly occurred shortly after she joined the equestrian course in April 1986. Another was before her bachelorette party, while yet another was after male colleagues locked her in a tack room and held a mock trial – including costumes, a judge, prosecutor and defence lawyer – and demanded she give them her underwear.
One day her boots were filled with manure. In another incident in 1987, a fellow RCMP officer stuck his finger out of the fly of his pants and stuck it near her ear as she slept while another member filmed it, the lawsuit alleged.
O’Farrell was ultimately removed from the Ride in July 1987 because her supervisors felt it would be best for her own protection. One of her alleged tormentors, Sgt. Maj. Marc Godue, was recently removed from his position as riding master pending the outcome of a review following allegations of animal abuse.
Thirteen of O’Farrell’s former colleagues had been named in the lawsuit. O’Farrell alleged that when she complained, the RCMP didn’t take appropriate action to stop her abusers.
Canada’s attorney general had long argued O’Farrell was disqualified from suing because she received a disability pension. The government’s position in O’Farrell’s case is at odds with the terms of the $100 million settlement female members of the force received, which didn’t disqualify members who receive pensions from receiving a settlement.
Source: torontosun.com
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