Man Arrested Over Online Threat To Brexit Challenger Gina Miller

Gina Miller
Rhodri Colwyn Philipps, 50, from Knightsbridge, central London, is charged with making malicious communications, with racially aggravated factors against Gina Miller.

Police have arrested a man over threats made to Gina Miller, the businesswoman behind the legal challenge to Brexit.

The 55-year old suspect was arrested in Swindon on suspicion of racially aggravated malicious communications. He was later released on bail.

Officers from the Met’s Falcon Unit launched an investigation over online threats allegedly made to Miller since November 3.

Gina Miller, 51, said on Monday that she had received a series of racist messages following her decision to spearhead a High Court challenge against the Government.

The Remain campaigner recently revealed she was spending thousands on personal security.

Ms Miller, an investment manager and philanthropist, spearheaded the campaign which argues Theresa May should not be able to trigger Article 50 and begin Brexit proceedings without a parliamentary vote.

On November 3, the High Court ruled in Ms Miller’s favour, mandating Parliament to vote on when the process can begin.

An appeal from the Government is currently being heard in the Supreme Court.

Ms Miller told BBC Radio 5 live that she was “apparently the most-hated woman in Britain”.

She said her high-profile role had led to death and gang rape threats.

Police say that as a part of the same investigation they issued a ‘cease and desist’ notice to a 38-year-old man from Fife in Scotland.

Source:  Sky News SkyNews.Com

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