By: Christina Carrega-Woodby
An 83-year-old woman in court Monday courageously confronted the Brooklyn teen who allegedly tossed her on a bed in her home, threatened her with a knife and then raped her.
“I heard a noise. A little noise. I thought it was my cat,” said the 4-feet-10 Brighton Beach woman who was allegedly assaulted by Asa Robert, 19, in July 2015.
The woman, whose name is being withheld, was cleaning her front yard when Robert allegedly snuck inside the home and hid near her bed.
“I started to walk backwards. He started to follow me … and then all of a sudden I felt a hand on my neck … I was scared,” she said.
Robert pushed her on the bed and placed a knife at her neck, she said.
“He started to yell, ‘Gimme the money.’ I said, ‘I’m a poor old lady, my family handles all my money,’ ”said the woman.
The frail woman, who had to be pushed into court in a wheelchair, did not initially tell police, but later confided in her daughter about the sexual assault. “It was a long time he was doing it. … This was the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me,” she told jurors.
If convicted, Robert faces 25 years to life in prison for predatory sexual assault.
Source: NY Daily News
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