Seated beside a tearful Chelsea Handler on Chelsea, California Senator Barbara Boxer spoke about her disappointment in Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential race.
Citing her many years spent in politics, Sen. Boxer encouraged those who share that disappointment to take active steps to defend the systems of American democracy they believe in. “We need to pick ourselves up and double down on how we feel about this country,” Boxer said. “We love it and we are not giving it up.”
Boxer also highlighted some hope in the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and that several women of color were elected to the Senate, including Kamala Harris, who will fill Boxer’s seat.
Handler, who had previously vowed to leave the US if Trump won the presidency said that her co-workers have spoken to her about staying and using her platform instead. “Everyone in my office is like, ‘You have a responsibility, you have a voice and you need to use it, and you have to be here,'” she said.
The instinct to flee, or joke about fleeing, the country after hearing this news, Boxer reminded Handler, plays into the message of many Trump supporters. “We’re not going to do it. Forget it. Because this country, with all of this flaws, and there are many flaws, is the most hopeful place.”
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