Political debate has become a hobby these days, clearly influencing social media, chat rooms and dinner table conversations across the country. Relationships can suffer when the communication becomes heated, with each side passionate about their commitment to candidate, policy or party.
So how do we effectively navigate these turbulent waters of opinion? Here are some tips to encourage civil discussion:
- Refrain from political party slurs. Donkeys and elephants may not get along well in close quarters for extended periods of time, but they can sit together at the same dinner table if everyone stays calm and civil. If you are invited to dine with someone who belongs to the “other” party, don’t trash their candidate as you enjoy their hospitality.
- Don’t ask, don’t tell. Don’t be the first to introduce politics to the conversation. You have permission to go into your opinion if someone asks about your views or who you plan to vote for (another etiquette faux pas unless you are completely comfortable with your table mates). If you are caught off guard, it is perfectly acceptable to breeze past the question by saying, “I am still in the discovery stage,” or in a joking manner with a smile, “That’s classified.”
- Expect respect. You can have opposing viewpoints without resorting to derogatory comments. If someone in your presence becomes belligerent, respond with, “This conversation has gotten out of hand and I’m not interested in discussing it further,” or “Please excuse me, the tone of this conversation is too aggressive and makes me uncomfortable.” Then either excuse yourself to another conversation or another room.
- Keep emotions out of it and keep the volume low. Remember that you are not personally running for office. It is not necessary for you to shout at other guests or run a smear campaign.
- Be open minded when listening to other people’s views. You may actually learn something if you are thoughtfully listening.
- Talk politics with discretion. Ensure that good judgment prevails by avoiding political discussions in inappropriate circumstances.
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