Detective jailed for filming sex act in child’s bedroom

Jamal Hassan
In court he admitted making more than 6,000 indecent images of children, 1,552 of which were the most severe category A.

A detective has been jailed for filming performing a sex act on himself in a child’s bedroom while on duty.

Bedfordshire Police Detective Constable Jamal Hassan, 36, admitted four counts of misconduct in public office.

Hassan, of Corncastle Road, Luton, also pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent photographs of children and covertly filming up the skirt of a woman in a shop.

He was jailed for six years at Peterborough Crown Court.

Hassan also admitted possessing extreme pornography and perverting the course of justice by trying to hide a storage device from police.

Three of the misconduct in public office charges relate to Hassan filming himself in people’s bedrooms – including the child’s – with underwear while on duty. The fourth involved him making a covert recording of a child in a police interview room.

In court he admitted making more than 6,000 indecent images of children, 1,552 of which were the most severe category A.

The offences were committed from 2000 up until May this year. Hassan was sacked by Bedfordshire Police earlier this month.

Bedfordshire Assistant Chief Constable Jackie Sebire said his actions “have no place in policing” and those he worked alongside were “completely unaware of the secret life he was leading”.

She continued: “We are here to protect vulnerable people from harm and he has let down every single one of his colleagues with his conduct.

“While there is no suggestion Hassan committed any ‘contact’ offences, we are still investigating his actions over the past decade and would urge anyone who has concerns regarding his conduct to contact us.”


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