Live Streams for Tuesday 25th March

Joslin Smith Mother and Co Accused Trial

6-year-old Joslin Smith was last seen on February 19, 2024. Her mother had kept her at home because she was not feeling well and left Joslin in the care of her boyfriend Jacquen Appollis. Appollis claims he last saw Joslin while she was playing with friends outside. On February 20, 2024 a large search for Joslin was launched with police K9 units, NGOs, volunteers, helicopters and rescue boats. Joslin's mother, Racquel 'Kelly' Smith, her boyfriend Jacquen Appollis, Steveno van Rhyn, and Laurentia Lombaard faced charges of kidnapping and trafficking for purposes of exploitation. However, Laurentia Lombaard made a deal with the state in exchange for her testimony on her three accomplices.
Click here to watch the Joslin Smith Mother and Co Accused Trial. This live stream is expected to start at 4:00am USA EDT.

Joslin Smith Mother and Co Accused Trial (Stream 2)

6-year-old Joslin Smith was last seen on February 19, 2024. Her mother had kept her at home because she was not feeling well and left Joslin in the care of her boyfriend Jacquen Appollis. Appollis claims he last saw Joslin while she was playing with friends outside. On February 20, 2024 a large search for Joslin was launched with police K9 units, NGOs, volunteers, helicopters and rescue boats. Joslin's mother, Racquel 'Kelly' Smith, her boyfriend Jacquen Appollis, Steveno van Rhyn, and Laurentia Lombaard faced charges of kidnapping and trafficking for purposes of exploitation. However, Laurentia Lombaard made a deal with the state in exchange for her testimony on her three accomplices.
Click here to watch the Joslin Smith Mother and Co Accused Trial (Stream 2). This live stream is expected to start at 4:00am USA EDT.

UK Covid-19 Inquiry Hearing

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and learn lessons for the future. Structure of the Inquiry - In order to allow a full and focused examination of all of the different aspects of the pandemic, Baroness Hallett decided to divide the Inquiry’s investigation into Modules. 1) Resilience and preparedness; 2) Core UK decision-making and political governance; 3) Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare systems in the 4 nations of the UK; 4) Vaccines and therapeutics; 5) Procurement; 6) Care sector. Further modules will be announced. Each module will investigate issues across the UK as a whole, including in the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Click here to watch the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Hearing. This live stream is expected to start at 6:30am USA EDT.

Live YouTube Judges

Various Judges live on YouTube
Click here to watch the Live YouTube Judges. This live stream is expected to start at 8:00am USA EDT.

Jai Williams Trial

Jai Scott Williams is accused that on August 27, 2014 after following Ms Kimmbria from a Marta bus he then forced her at knife point off of the main street into an abandoned house. While downstairs he made her undress, struck her in the face and forced her to perform oral sex and raped her. Then he forced her upstairs and raped her again. Eventually she escaped and went to the house of a friend and called the police. The sexual assault exam provided DNA that matched to Jai Scott Williams. Jai Williams is charged with Rape, Aggravated Sodomy and Kidnapping.
Click here to watch the Jai Williams Trial. This live stream is expected to start at 9:00am USA EDT.

Nichole Rice Trial

Nichole Erin Rice is standing trial almost three years to the date of her March 2022, arrest in the death of her roommate, 18-year-old Anita Knutson. Rice was working as a civilian at Minot Air Force Base when she was arrested. Rice is charged with AA felony murder in Knutson's death. Anita Knutson was found stabbed to death in her bed in a Minot, North Dakota apartment on June 4, 2007. The window screen in Knutson's room was cut, but officers said they believed that was done to make the killing look like a break-in. Nothing of value was taken from the bedroom, but a pocket knife with dried blood on it was found near Knutson. At the time of the murder, the two women lived together, though friends said the two had a strained relationship. Rice allegedly made a confession to the murder in 2008 or 2009 to her ex-boyfriend. However, the defense claims a Montana man is responsible for Knutson's death because there were reports of a man who matched his appearance running from the crime scene. If found guilty, Rice could be sentenced to a maximum of life in prison without parole.
Click here to watch the Nichole Rice Trial. This live stream is expected to start at 9:30am USA EDT.

Nichole Rice Trial (Stream 2)

Nichole Erin Rice is standing trial almost three years to the date of her March 2022, arrest in the death of her roommate, 18-year-old Anita Knutson. Rice was working as a civilian at Minot Air Force Base when she was arrested. Rice is charged with AA felony murder in Knutson's death. Anita Knutson was found stabbed to death in her bed in a Minot, North Dakota apartment on June 4, 2007. The window screen in Knutson's room was cut, but officers said they believed that was done to make the killing look like a break-in. Nothing of value was taken from the bedroom, but a pocket knife with dried blood on it was found near Knutson. At the time of the murder, the two women lived together, though friends said the two had a strained relationship. Rice allegedly made a confession to the murder in 2008 or 2009 to her ex-boyfriend. However, the defense claims a Montana man is responsible for Knutson's death because there were reports of a man who matched his appearance running from the crime scene. If found guilty, Rice could be sentenced to a maximum of life in prison without parole.
Click here to watch the Nichole Rice Trial (Stream 2). This live stream is expected to start at 9:30am USA EDT.

DeKalb Magistrates Court Misdemeanor First Appearance Hearings

The Court handles First Appearance Hearings/Bond Hearings in most cases for accused persons that have been arrested and are housed in the Dekalb County Jail, regardless of the Law Enforcement Agency that made the arrest.
Click here to watch the DeKalb Magistrates Court Misdemeanor First Appearance Hearings. This live stream is expected to start at 9:30am USA EDT.

US Supreme Court Hearings

Today the US Supreme Court will first hear case No. 24-109. Louisiana v. Phillip Callais, et al.; and Case No. 24-110. Press Robinson, et al. v. Phillip Callais, et al. and they will then hear case No. 23-1270. Pierre Yassue Nashun Riley v. Pamela Bondi, Attorney General. Cases No. 24-109 and No. 24-110 concern allegations of racial gerrymandering in Louisiana's congressional voting district maps. The arguments of the 2 cases involve a challenge to Louisiana's congressional redistricting map, specifically focusing on District 6, alleging that the map is an impermissible racial gerrymander. The map was created in response to a previous lawsuit, Robinson v. Ardoin, where plaintiffs argued that the prior map violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act by diluting minority votes. To address these issues, the Louisiana Legislature adopted a new map (Senate Bill 8) that included a second majority-Black district. However, the plaintiffs in this case claimed that this new map violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment by prioritizing race in its creation. A three-judge panel concluded that District 6 of the new map did indeed violate the Equal Protection Clause, leading the court to issue an injunction against using this map in future elections. Case No. 24-110 concerns arguments regarding the timing of judicial review of final removal orders, specifically focusing on whether a petition for review is timely under Section 1252(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Pierre Yassue Nashun Riley, a Jamaican national, was convicted of drug and firearm offenses in the U.S. and faced removal due to his aggravated felony conviction. The Supreme Court's decision of Case No. 24-110 could have significant implications for thousands of immigrants seeking protection under the Convention Against Torture.
Click here to watch the US Supreme Court Hearings. This live stream is expected to start at 10:00am USA EDT.

Xavier Davis Trial

Xavier Davis is charged after a Houston couple and their 6-year-old daughter were fatally shot point blank in the head. A young witness, then aged 10 and having been shot in the arm called her grandmother for help. She heard her father tell their assailant he had nothing more to give him. Davis, 32, was arrested the next day as the suspected triggerman - purportedly hired by a childhood friend to kill the family. He is charged with capital murder in the deaths of Donyavia Lagway, 29, and Gregory Carhee, 35, and their daughter, Harmony, 6. Alexus Williams was also arrested in connection with the family’s death with prosecutors accusing her of hiring Davis for an unspecified amount. Authorities believe she had a prior relationship with Lagway and may have lived at the couple's apartment for some time. Prosecutors say that she may have watched the killings or seen the aftermath on a video chat with Davis at the apartment.
Click here to watch the Xavier Davis Trial. This live stream is expected to start at 11:00am USA EDT.

Kelli Bryant Hearing

Kelli Bryant is charged with three counts of first-degree child abuse in connection with a child neglect case where three children were found living in a Pontiac home in 'deplorable shape' and allegedly abandoned by their mother nearly five years prior to the children being discovered. The tree children found in the home were a 15-year-old boy, a 13-year-old girl and a 12-year-old girl. The property landlord had requested a welfare check in February 2025 after not hearing from the mother since December 2024. The landlord said rent had not been paid since October, and he was concerned something might have happened. Deputies found mold and human waste throughout, garbage piled as high as four feet, and an overflowing toilet. The children were reportedly covered in feces, and the two girls had trouble walking out of the house. The home was not properly registered as a rental property which meant that the unit was being unlawfully rented out and as a result, wasn't subject to inspections. Investigators believe the children were abandoned between 2020 and 2021. Officials say Bryant has four children with two different fathers. Prosecutors say Bryant was living with her four children at the home in 2019 and left with one of her children, who is now living with their father. Bryant is also charged with three counts of welfare fraud. The welfare fraud charges stem from a review by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services of Bryant's support payments. MDHHS alleges Bryant obtained an overpayment by fraud of $29,397 from January 2022 through February 2025. The defendant appears to have effectively abandoned her children while collecting their public assistance. Officials say that this crime is, first and foremost, a theft from Kelli Bryant's children. These resources were intended to ensure they had the basic necessities denied to them. First-degree child abuse is punishable by up to life in prison. Welfare fraud of more than $500 is punishable by up to four years in prison and/or a $5,000 fine.
Click here to watch the Kelli Bryant Hearing. This live stream is expected to start at 1:00pm USA EDT.

DeKalb Magistrates Court Felony First Appearance Hearings

The Court handles First Appearance Hearings/Bond Hearings in most cases for accused persons that have been arrested and are housed in the Dekalb County Jail, regardless of the Law Enforcement Agency that made the arrest.
Click here to watch the DeKalb Magistrates Court Felony First Appearance Hearings. This live stream is expected to start at 1:00pm USA EDT.

Brevard Bond Court Hearings

Brevard Bond court is the Brevard County First Appearance Court held in the Brevard County Jail in Sharpes, Florida.
Click here to watch the Brevard Bond Court Hearings. This live stream is expected to start at 1:30pm USA EDT.