Christopher Schurr Hearing

Christopher Schurr

October 31, 2022

10:00 am



Former Grand Rapids Police Officer Christopher Schurr, 31, is charged with second-degree murder for the killing of Patrick Lyoya, a Black man fatally shot in April after he attempted to flee a traffic stop.

On the morning of April 4, Schurr pulled over Lyoya in southeast Grand Rapids. Video footage released by the Police Department shows Lyoya getting out of his car as he’s pulled over.

Schurr asked Lyoya to present his driver’s license, Lyoya ran away from Schurr, and Schurr chased Lyoya a short distance through the front yards of nearby homes. Schurr eventually tackled Lyoya, the two struggled and Schurr could be heard telling Lyoya to ‘stop’ and to ‘let go of the Taser,’ in the video footage.

Schurr’s stun gun was deployed twice but never made contact. After about 90 seconds, Schurr was on top of Lyoya, who was facedown on the ground. Schurr, still yelling ‘let go of the Taser!’ shot Lyoya in the back of the head.

Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker says that it is up to a jury to decide whether Schurr used a reasonable amount of force or not.

World Justice News will show the Christopher Schurr Hearing free. For the link to view the Christopher Schurr Hearing  please click here to see our daily schedule.

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