Mongameli Bobani Hearing

Mongameli Bobani

December 10, 2019

4:30 am



Political parties tried on three occassions to remove Mongameli Bobani as Executive Mayor without success. Eventually the DA’s application was helped by the EFF and ANC’s support.

The parties described Bobani as a loose cannon, a madman hellbent on dismantling ‘the entire executive structure of the municipality.’

It came after the mayor actioned a staff shuffle at the municipality and appointed Nobuntu Mpongwana, the Deputy Director of Legal Services, to oversee the administration of the municipality. Political parties viewed this as a ploy to replace three high-ranking officials.

It is believed that, through the actions taken by Mpongwana Bobani it would effectively place midlevel accountant, Karel Kramer in charge of NMB’s finances and also fire the municipality’s chief executive, Mzwakhe Clay and replace three executive directors (Anele Qaba, Walter Shaidi and Noxolo Nqwazi) with his preferred trio.

Having been removed as Executive Mayor, Mongameli Bobani has turned to the Port Elizabeth high court in a bid to set aside his ousting.

Bobani claims the decision to remove him as mayor, made during a council meeting, was unlawful because he was not given notice in terms of the Municipal Structures Act.

World Justice News will show the Mongameli Bobani Hearing. For the link to view the Mongameli Bobani Hearing please click here to see our daily schedule.

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