Harry Dunn: Suspect Anne Sacoolas ‘worked for US intelligence’

Harry Dunn
Harry Dunn, 19, died in hospital after his motorbike crashed with a Volvo outside RAF Croughton

The woman accused of killing Harry Dunn was working for a US intelligence agency at the time of the crash, a court has heard.

Mr Dunn, 19, died when his motorbike was in a crash with a car near RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire in 2019.

Suspect Anne Sacoolas returned to the US, claiming diplomatic immunity, and an extradition request was blocked.

A court in Virginia has heard her work was “especially a factor” in her leaving the UK.

Her barrister told the court she fled the UK for “security issues” and feared she would “not get a fair trial” if she returned.

The comments about her role were made at a court in the state, where an application to dismiss a civil claim for damages submitted by Mr Dunn’s family is being heard.

When asked by the judge why Mrs Sacoolas had “fled” the UK, her barrister John McGavin said he could not respond “completely candidly”.

“I know the answer but I cannot disclose it,” he said.

Anne Sacoolas
Anne Sacoolas, pictured on her wedding day in 2003, cited diplomatic immunity after the crash and returned to the US (Image: Aiken Standard Archive)


Speaking after the hearing, family spokesman Radd Seiger called on the UK government to “urgently reinvestigate” whether Mrs Sacoolas had diplomatic immunity, given “the admission in open court by Mrs Sacoolas’s counsel that she was employed by US intelligence services at the time of the crash”.

Under the agreements at RAF Croughton dating back to 1995, anyone working at the base from the US as part of the “administrative and technical staff” would have their immunity pre-waived, meaning they would not be immune from criminal jurisdiction.

The Dunn’s barrister Agnieszka Fryszman had earlier told the court the British government had endorsed the civil claim and called on the judge not to dismiss it.

Mrs Sacoolas, whose husband was based at RAF Croughton, was charged with causing death by dangerous driving after the crash.

A Home Office extradition request was refused by Donald Trump’s secretary of state Mike Pompeo in January 2020 and last week the new Biden administration said the decision was final.

The judge said he would decide on the application ahead of a further hearing at the same court on 17 February.

Tim Dunn and Charlotte Charles
Tim Dunn and Charlotte Charles want Mrs Sacoolas to return to the UK
Source: bbc.co.uk
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1 Comment

  1. I was state employee for a year my family lived in EU, and a spouse without permission to work. Anne Sacoolas could be employed by CIA, and accompanying her family to U.K. as spouse of Johanthan Sacoolas, without working as administrative or technical staff at RAF: CIA employee not synonymous with RAF assignment.

    Rad Seiger m immediately purchased another “front page news story” on Daily Mail—note ADVERTISEMENT in font 6 at end of article. Seiger will select comments as moderator, continuing with his “media blinder” noted in police emails, which also caution Seiger does not accurately relay information provided to him.

    Establishing a Red Notice was never in existence, also noted in police email, is proof Anne Sacoolas could never receive a fair trial in U.K.. After-all, Raad Seiger argued the Red Notice was “proof Anne never had Diplomatic Immunity” because a Red Notice cannot be issued if DI exists. Even the BBC picked up story, and after police released a statement to say the department had never told spokesman of a Red Notice, Road Seiger’s skills in PR convinced most news outlet to continue to refer to a Red Notice, along with repeatedly headlines dominated by false accusations: Anne fled on secret military flight at night, Anne did not cooperate with police investigation, Anne did not have Diplomatic Immunity, Anne did not care enough to call 911, Anne left Harry face down in dirt while injured, Anne was driving on wrong side of road. In reality: Anne left on a commercial flight AFTER the U.K. provided written permission, Anne was brethylized at scene, interviewed at scene and at home in U.K., Anne was 8nterviewed under caution by police after returning to US, Anne DID HAVE DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY as recognized by US, UK, & UK High Court, Anne flagged down motorist to assist & motorist knew how to call ambulance—different number than in US, while Anne contacted RAF police located 100 yards away, Anne exited a large confusing RAF exit & for 400 yards/20 seconds confusion on narrow rural road was on wrong side of road. Read Seiger was warned against comments which might violate Anne Sacoolas’s right to a fair trial, but as police noted, Raad did not use care, instead manipulating facts, releasing statements after High Court ruled against submitting the same at trial, and created a “media blinder”—-

    Extradition is a mute point because the US will not extradite any citizen who cannot receive a fair trial. Charges against Anne should never have been filed by U.K. , as a signatory to the Viena Convention, or if filed under erroneous belief Anne did not have immunity, charges should have been dropped after High Court ruling. Both the US and the U.K. have a shared interest in protecting a CIA spy, with a history of protecting both countries. Rad Seiger’s successful media campaign aside, Dominican Raab is responsible; A foreign secretary must not allow social media & purchased tabloid news lead him to violate international treaties & negotiations between two nations. If Raab had observed the rules of the Viena Convention, which forbids criminal charges unless US agreed to a waiver, the family spokesman would not have been able to remind Harry’s family of their success in getting the U.K. to violate an international treaty under social media pressure: “the rule of law” did not apply in U.K. if a family could gather enough funding to own the press!

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