Jim Ford has been shot at, ran over, just about everything you can imagine but not stabbed yet.
Ford is a repo man. They have to be tough. He wasn’t prepared for what he saw when he arrived at the home of Stan and Pat Kipping.
There’s not a place on the map Ford hasn’t traveled to repossess somebody’s car for a bank. But Ford understood the Kipplings’s situation.“My grandparents are gone, but you know – I could see them in the Kippings. I knew what was going on. The cost of their medications have doubled or tripled, and I know that’s happening to everybody. I knew why they were behind.”
“You know, it was just one of those repo’s,” Ford said. “I pulled over about a block away from their house and called the bank and said… we got to do something. How about I just pay it current right now?”
Ford set up a Go Fund Me account – he said ““We raised most of it in the first eight hours. I think might just reactivate it, because they are a lot of people who keep asking to donate.”
The Kippings got their car back and detailed to boot.
“We owe a drug store $500,” said Pat Kipping. “We owe IGA, our grocery store, money. And then this happened. It’s made me think that there are very good people out there, and it’s not all bad.”
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