Davontae Sanford’s Stepfather Shot Dead

Davontae Sanford was 15 when he pleaded guilty to four murders and was imprisoned in 2008.

The stepfather of Davontae Sanford, who was freed from prison after serving eight years for a murder he didn’t commit, was murdered Thursday morning, police say.

Jermaine Tilmon, of Detroit, was shot in the head and groin at 3600 block of Chatsworth in Detroit. The shooting was reported around 4:15 a.m. The circumstances surrounding his murder are unknown. Police continue to investigate.

Davontae Sanford was 15 when he pleaded guilty to four murders and was imprisoned in 2008. In early June this year, at the age of 23, he walked out of a pirson when a judge erased the guilty pleas at the request of Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy.

 Sanford  served eight years for the murder of four people at a drug den in 2007. He was 14 years old at the time of the so-called “Runyon Street killings,”
and pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. A judge sentenced him to a minimum of 39 years in prison.

Shortly after he went to prison, Sanford’s case came under review when a professional hit man confessed to the Runynon Street murders. Lawyers took up Sanford’s case and eventually secured his release.

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