Kansas Supreme Court

Kansas Supreme Court

To Be Confirmed



The Kansas Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the state of Kansas. Composed of seven justices, led by a  Chief Justice. The court supervises the legal profession, administers the judicial branch, and serves as the state court of last resort in the appeals process.

The Kansas Supreme Court’s most important duty is being the state court of last resort and the highest judicial authority in the state of Kansas.

The Court rarely conducts a trial. Its judicial responsibilities include hearing direct appeals from the district courts in the most serious criminal cases and appeals in any case in which a statute has been held unconstitutional.

The Court has the authority to review cases decided by the Court of Appeals and the ability to transfer cases to the U.S. Supreme Court.

World Justice News shows the Kansas Supreme Court appeal sessions free. For the link to view an appeal session please click here to see our daily schedule.

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