International Criminal Court Moot Competition

The ICC Moot Court Competition welcomes universities from all over the world for a large scale moot court simulating the proceedings of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Competition consists of an extensive six-day educational and social program, which brings together students of diverse backgrounds and cultures to The Hague to challenge their skills as future international lawyers. The Competition aims to encourage university students to improve their knowledge of international criminal law in practice and in particular of the ICC, its mandate and its jurisprudence, by simulating ICC proceedings through arguing a hypothetical case. The Competition seeks to enhance knowledge about the Rome Statute, especially within countries that have yet to ratify it. In addition, the Competition provides participants with the opportunity to become familiar with The Hague based international institutions. Each team will be comprised of three speakers. Additionally, the team may include two Researchers and two Coaches: one Leading Coach and one Assistant Coach.