Sheriff Louis Ackal

Sheriff Louis Ackal is accused of using 'racially derogatory language' when speaking to two narcotics agents who told him they got drunk while off-duty and assaulted two young black men in November 2008. The indictment says that he told the officers to lie about the incident, and had a supervisor delete the report that listed the agents as suspects. He is also accused of threatening to shoot a federal prosecutor assigned to his case between his 'Jewish eyes.' Thc comments were allegedly captured on tape by an informant. The charges against Ackal include ordering beatings of five prisoners in a chapel away from surveillance cameras; instructing deputies to 'take care of' a man who allegedly assaulted one of Ackal’s relatives; and burning internal affairs records on excessive force allegations. Officers are also accused of writing false or misleading reports and lying during depositions for civil lawsuits over prisoner beatings.