Robert Shepard

Former Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson’s grandson was lured to an area where a gunman killed him. He was seen on surveillance video talking to someone inside the shooter’s car moments before the slaying. There is video is proof that Robert Shepard conspired with the killer to lure Frank Q. Jackson into the alleyway, where a gunman waited to execute him last September. Shepard, 30, is charged with aggravated murder and complicity. 'That made him as culpable as the man who pulled the trigger.' Detectives have not identified either the driver of the Chrysler, the gunman or the driver of an SUV that Shepard left the scene in. The security video showed Shepard drove up on the bike, then walked it back into the alleyway, which is off camera.The Chrysler and black SUV pulled up next to each other and paused. Shepard then 'clearly had an interaction' with someone in the Chrysler and pointed back to the alleyway. Shepard then got into the black SUV and drove off, and the Chrysler parallel parked directly in front of the walkway. The woman dropped off Jackson, who walked around for a few moments before heading back into the alleyway to his death. The woman sped away, called 911 and reported that she had just watched Jackson get shot. Prosecutors found Shepard’s DNA on the handlebars of the bike and it was acknowledged that the man on the video hiding the bike was Shepard.