2-year-old Detroit girl Makanzee Oldham died just days after being shot in the head after gunfire broke out outside a home. Cleveland Tyvon Smelley, 30; Deonta Charles Bennett, 21; and Antoine Lamar Smelley, 32, all of Detroit, are charged with first-degree murder and seven counts of assault with intent to murder. Cleveland Smelley is charged additionally with a second offense felony firearm. Bennett is also charged with felony firearm and Antoine Smelly has been charged additionally with two counts of felonious assault and felony firearm. Prosecutor's Office said that Bennett allegedly gave a handgun to Cleveland Smelley, who fired at people in a car, striking Makanzee. Authorities say the Smelleys and Bennett were at a home in the 16400 block of Fairmount when Kool-Aid was allegedly poured over the head of a woman who was getting ready to go to a prom. Antoine Smelly also allegedly pulled out a handgun and threatened the young woman and her friends. Shortly afterward, Cleveland Smelley and Bennett drove to the home where they met briefly with Antoine Smelley, prosecutors said. Once inside, the men got into a fight with several others and shots were fired. However, relatives of the Smelley brothers gave a different account. Family members said the girl whose prom dress was ruined stole $1,000 from Antoine Smelley. The teen's relatives allegedly 'ambushed' and assaulted Antoine Smelley at his home after the alleged Kool-Aid incident. Cleveland Smelley and Bennett drove over to Antoine Smelley's house to protect him. |