Jason Chen is accused of stabbing Jasmine Pace to death in his apartment, and disposing of her remains along a riverbank inside a suitcase back in November 2022. In the hours after Jasmine Pace went missing, Pace's mother Catrina felt like police were not doing enough. So she took matters into her own hands. She tracked her daughter's phone to Chen's apartment and after a neighbor told her they heard sounds of distress from Chen's apartment she used a credit card to bypass the locked door of the apartment. Jasmine's bag was on the counter top. So she took out of Chen's apartment, phones, a tablet, a notebook, and other items she thought could help someone find her daughter. After police were notified, they obtained a warrant to obtain various items that the defense want ruled ineligible for prosecutors to use due to the presence at Chen's apartment of Jasmine Pace's parents when searching for her. |