Brian Flatoff

Brian Flatoff, 48, was accused of taking hostages at gunpoint and shooting at police officers during the Dec. 5, 2015, standoff. The incident led to the police shooting death of hostage Michael L. Funk. Funk was shot and killed without warning by Neenah police officers Craig Hoffer and Robert Ross after he escaped from Eagle Nation Cycles, where he and two others were being held hostage. The Wisconsin Department of Justice determined that Hoffer and Ross mistakenly, but reasonably, thought Funk was the armed hostage-taker and an imminent threat and therefore weren't criminally responsible for killing him. Flatoff faces 14 felony charges, including attempted homicide for allegedly shooting at police and felony murder for allegedly causing Funk's death while committing a crime. The charges carry a maximum penalty of 296.5 years in prison.