America's Lawyer

Mike Papantonio is the past president of the National Trial Lawyers Association and was inducted into the Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame in 2015. He is a senior partner of Levin Papantonio - one of the largest plaintiffs' law firms in America - that has handled mass tort cases involving pharmaceutical drugs, asbestos, breast implants, factory farming, securities fraud, tobacco and others.

Mike Papantonio

Papantonio will examine and expose untold truths in corporate and environmental legal cases with a no-holds-barred approach in addressing bad lawyers and corruption among federal and state judges. The show "will tell the stories nobody else would have the chance to hear about" due to corporate-controlled media and will "interview lawyers handling the cases."

Each episode will also feature a short legal brief meant to keep you informed on the stories missed by the mainstream media as well as interviews with attorneys involved in major litigations and important media figures. And finally, Papantonio will present a legal victory to viewers showing the positive side of law, from wins for workers' rights to groundbreaking environmental cases.