South African Heritage Resources Agency Et Al Vs Dr Makaziwe Mandela Et Al

The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) and Robben Island Museum and The Department of Sports, Arts and Culture are seeking leave to appeal in a case against Dr Makaziwe Mandela and Guernsey's Auction House and Arlan Ettinger and Christo Brand and David Parr. The case about national heritage of the artifacts and objects kind. More accurately, it is about whether the artifacts and objects in question fit the mould of national heritage. The case is about the planned auction of dozens of artefacts belonging to Nelson Mandela. An auction had been scheduled by New York-based Guernsey’s auction house in conjunction with Dr Makaziwe Mandela, the eldest daughter of the anti-apartheid leader and South Africa’s first democratically elected president who died in 2013. Items listed for the auction included Mandela’s iconic Ray-Ban sunglasses and 'Madiba' shirts, personal letters he wrote from prison, as well as a blanket given to him by former US president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. A champagne cooler that was a present from former US president Bill Clinton was also on the list, with bidding for it starting at 24,000 dollars (£19,000). Also among the items is Mandela’s 'book' - his identification document following his 1993 release from prison.